Thermal Desorption Unit

Thermal desorption unit is also known as TDU, which overcomes oil sludge treatment problem. Through thermal desorption technology, complex composition and contaminated oil sludge is converted into fuel oil. It achieves efficient and clean recycling, and attains profitability and sustainability. Follows us to find the detailed solution to oil sludge thermal desorption.

Oil Sludge – Classification and Component

Oil sludge mainly comes from the extraction, gathering, transportation and refining process of oil. Unlike scrap tyre or waste plastic, this waste has a complex composition. It can be divided into various types based on its origin and composition. Each type has a different water, oil and solids content. The following is an overview of oil sludge classification and sources:

Source Type Water Content % Oil Content % Solid Content %
Drilling and Oil Extraction Oil-based Cuttings 8~15 15~25 60~80
Waste Oil-based Mud 40~50 10~20 30~40
Oil-contaminated Soil 5~25 5~10 70~90
Oil Gathering&Transportation Tank Bottom Oil Sludge 40-70 20-40 5-40
Oil-contaminated Soil 5~25 5~10 70~90
Oil Refining Oil-water Separator Sludge 60~70 10~15 25~35
Air Flotation Tank Sludge 75~90 5~10 3~10
Activated Oil Sludge 75~85 <5 10~20

Numbers Revealing Global Oil Sludge Disposal Crisis

With the rapid development of the petroleum industry, the accumulation of oil sludge has sharply increased per year. However, due to the lack of recycling solutions, oil sludge disposal still faces a big crisis. Here are data for your reference:

4.5 Billion

tons Oil Production per year

60 Million

tons Oil Sludge Production per year

5 Million

hectares of Oil-contaminated Soil

1 Billion

tons Oil Sludge Accumulation Existing


Oil Sludge Can’t be Treated Properly

Thermal Desorption Unit: Game-Changer in Oil Sludge Recovery

Thermal desorption unit uses anaerobic combustion to volatilize the oil-based part in the oil sludge and separate it from the solid matrix. This thermal desorption process (also called oil sludge pyrolysis) forms fuel oil, syngas and solid residue. The process has no specific requirements on the oil & water content of the oil sludge. Therefore, this unit is suitable for all types of oily waste. This oil sludge recycling solution has the following characteristics:


By separating fuel oil and syngas, thermal desorption technology significantly reduces the volume of oil sludge. It also reduces the oil and water content in the solid residue.

Resource Utilization

TDU unit can achieve high recovery rate and high quality fuel oil syngas. In addition, energy utilization efficiency is further improved by recycling the heat energy of syngas.

Harmless Treatment

Waste residue, wastewater and waste gas can all be discharged and reused in compliance with standards. Moreover, this recycling method doesn’t produce secondary pollution.

Customers’ Feedback on Beston Thermal Desorption System

As a provider of waste recycling solutions, Beston Group’s pyrolysis equipment have been exported to more than 100 countries around the world. Rich export experience enables us to fully understand the needs of customers worldwide. Therefore, it enables Beston Group to customize oil sludge recovery solutions to meet the specific needs of customers from different regions. Below are successful cases of TDU unit for your reference.

Refinery Oil Sludge Thermal Desorption Solutions in Africa


Problems Faced

Oil extraction produces massive oil sludge, which is difficult to discharge in compliance with standards

Waste recycling companies have high processing costs and limited processing scale.

Customer’s Expectations

Comply with emission regulations and reduce pollution.

Increase treatment volume and reduce costs.

Make bricks from oil sludge residue.


Customized discharge systems help customers obtain EIA certification.

Provide semi-continuous equipment with a daily capacity of 20 tons.

Assist customers in establishing an oil sludge recycling center.

Added Value

Reduce processing costs with your own oil sludge recycling center

Make bricks from harmless oil sludge residue to increase revenue.

Unified treatment center reduces security investment.

Deep Dive into TDU Workflow – Feeding to Discharging

01Raw Material Feeding

Three feeding methods for different oil sludge liquid contents:

  • Below liquid content 40% : belt conveyor
  • 40%-60% liquid content: shaftless spiral
  • More than 75% liquid content: sludge pump

02Oil Sludge Thermal Desorption

Thermal desorption reaction occurs in a high-temperature microaerobic reaction environment. During the reaction, oil sludge undergoes the following changes in thermal desorption equipment:

  • Under high temperature conditions, long-chain hydrocarbons in oil sludge are broken into small molecular hydrocarbons.
  • Condensable components in the oil gas can be cooled through the condenser to form fuel oil.
  • Non-condensable oil gas are purified by water sealing to form syngas, which provides energy for reactor.

03Oil Distillation(Optional)

Fuel oil is converted into higher quality non-standard diesel through the oil distillation equipment. In this equipment, fuel oil goes through the following stages:

  • Distillation: heating the fuel oil and separating components with different boiling points.
  • Condensation: cooling and liquefying the evaporated components.
  • Acid & alkali washing: removing acidic and alkaline impurities and improving oil quality.

04Exhaust Gas Treatment

The high-temperature exhaust gas passes through the flue condenser and spray tower for cooling and dust removal. In addition, we provide high-end exhaust gas treatment systems, including electrostatic dust removal, activated carbon dust removal, and desulfurization&denitrification treatment. The flue gas emitted by high-end exhaust gas treatment can meet EU standards.

05Solid Residue Discharge

Some solid substances in oil sludge cannot participate in the thermal desorption process and eventually form solid residues. The solid residue is discharged through the water-cooled screw conveyor.

Profits Analysis of Oil Sludge Thermal Desorption Project

Profit from Recycled Fuel Oil

Profit from Solid Residue

Subsidy from Government

The fuel oil has diversified applications that make recycled fuel oil popular in the market. This gives it a wide range of sales channels. Therefore, selling this oil can bring considerable economic benefits. See the following uses:

  • Directly used as an alternative energy source for factories/mechanical facilities with large energy consumption;
  • Obtain higher value non-standard diesel oil by distillation treatment.
  • After distillation, the heavy oil components are obtained to generate electricity for heavy oil generators;
  • Further processing in the refinery to produce commercial gasoline and diesel.

The solid residues produced by thermal desorption unit also generate incomes as long as placement properly:

  • Sell to brick factory to make bricks;
  • Sold to oil field companies for use as oil well anti-collapse agents.

Due to the significant hazards and serious pollution caused by oil sludge, government departments in various regions provide substantial financial support for oil sludge recycling projects. Common application procedure is as follows:

  • First, the project need to obtain industrial waste(water, gas, solid) emission qualification granted by the government’s EIA department.
  • After certification, a certain subsidy will be granted for each quantified amount of oil sludge recycling project.

Models of Thermal Desorption Unit for Sale

Beston Group’s comprehensive product system provides customers with 2 models to choose from. They can meet the different production needs of customers. In addition, the diverse equipment options ensures that customers get the most suitable solution at a reasonable thermal desorption unit price.

Thermal Desorption Unit- Batch Type

Batch Type

Thermal Desorption Unit- Continuous Type

Continuous Type

  • Model: BLL-30 continuous pyrolysis plant
  • Production cycle: 100 working days
  • Largest capacity; 24 continuous operation for 3-6 days
Working ProcessBatchFully continuous
Reactor Sizeφ2800*7100mmφ1800*18500mm
Reactor MaterialQ345R310S stainless steel
Drive System500 reducer+7.5kw drive motorZQH650-50 reducer+15kw frequency conversion motor
Land (L*W*H)33m*13m*8m70m*20m*10m
Burner2*400,000 kcal2.5 million kcal per set
Total Weight of Shipped MaterialsAbout 34.5tAbout 150t
Number of Containers1*40FR+2*40HQ25m*8m bulk cargo+8*40HQ
Noise (dB)≤60≤60
Heating MaterialsFuel oil (including tyre/plastic pyrolysis oil), natural gas, LPG, diesel, etc.
Condensing System (Vertical Condenser)φ820*3600
Single piece condensing area
2 sets of vertical condenser

Technical Advantages of Beston Thermal Desorption Plant

High Combustion Efficiency

  • The entire system makes full use of the syngas generated in the reactor for secondary combustion. This reduces energy consumption. Combustible gas is purified by water seal to ensure clean combustion.
  • BLL-30 continuous equipment uses efficient hot air heating. In addition, the syngas produced by the reaction is mixed with high-temperature hot air. Air volume ratio enables precise temperature control.

Anti-coking Design

  • Batch thermal desorption system uses friction blocks and materials to rotate with the equipment in the main furnace at the same time. This slows coking by increasing thermal conductivity.
  • Continuous equipment uses hot air heating to solve the coking problem caused by overheating. In addition, high temperature catalyst also prevents coking. Moreover, mesh chain friction in the reactor to remove coke.

Efficient Emission Control

  • The waste gas generated by Beston equipment is processed by a high-end exhaust gas treatment system to meet EU emission standards. Moreover, if the emission standards in your area are higher, it is a good option for your project.
  • The discharging system is designed with water-cooled discharging method to reduce dust pollution. In addition, the continuous thermal desorption unit can achieve continuous discharging without leaking oil gas.

Smart Operation Mode

  • PLC (standard configuration on BLL-30) and DCS(Distributed Control System) guarantee intelligent operation. They have high control efficiency. Therefore, this saves manpower and improves the working environment.
  • In addition, you can also choose an Internet of Things real-time monitoring system. It can realize timely online monitoring of the Internet of Things. This facilitates customers’ overall operational control.

Thermal Desorption Unit Drives Petroleum Industry Transition

Formation of Closed-loop Value Chain

Oil sludge originates from petroleum industry. Meanwhile, Beston thermal desorption unit recovers this waste into materials that can be reintegrated into the petroleum industry’s supply chain, such as refining oil and oil well fill materials. This closed-loop approach enhances the industry’s value chain. Thus, through a “waste to resource” production mode, the machine lays the foundation for a circular economy within the petroleum industry.

Win-win Between Profitability & Sustainability


Fuel oil meets market demand for alternative energy trading.
Oil sludge disposal can get funding from sustainable policies.
Thermal desorption projects boost local economies by creating jobs.


Clean fuel production optimizes energy structure and reduces fossil energy use.
TDU achieves sustainable recycling, easing burden on environment.
Harmless treatment aligns with sustainable strategy of petroleum industry.

Thermal Desorption Unit Alleviates Ecological Burden

Oily sludge contains 5-50 of petroleum, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), dioxins, and radionuclides, heavy metals etc. So, it is toxic and flammable. Oil sludge pollutes the soil, water, and air resources that causes serious harm to the ecological environment even human health. Currently, oil sludge is classified as hazardous waste. Its disposal is regulated by environmental protection agencies worldwide. See the detailed hazards:

Reduce Soil Hazards

TDU realizes large-scale reduction of oily sludge. Thus, it reduces the waste of land resources caused by excessive discharge.
The equipment reduces the amount of harmful components penetrate into the soil. Thus, problems such as soil degradation and surface vegetation destruction are solved.

Mitigate Water Hazards

Thermal desorption recovery prevents harmful substances from entering water resources. This optimizes water quality and the growth environment of aquatic organisms.
Application of TDU prevents oil sludge from entering the human food chain, eliminating hidden dangers to human health.

Eliminate Air Hazards

Thermal desorption technology reduces volatile pollutants into the atmosphere, optimizing air quality.
Oily sludge stored in the open air is flammable when exposed to fire. Thermal desorption recovery reduces the risk of release of sulfur-containing gases from burning.

Get Customized Oil Sludge Treatment Solution

Beston thermal desorption unit has become the optimal choice for oil sludge treatment. Our innovative technology helps customers extract economic value from oil sludge. Furthermore, integrated solutions from Beston Group guide customers from A to Z on their path to sustainable development. Just contact us to get your customized solution. Also, you can follow us on Facebook for more oil sludge recycling information.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)


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