Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Oil sludge pyrolysis plant offers an advanced solution for managing industrial waste effectively. Oil sludge, a hazardous industrial waste, poses risks to soil and water resources if improperly handled. Our machine utilizes high-temperature, oxygen-free technology to convert oil sludge into pyrolysis oil. Compared to other treatment options, this solution ensures a more complete and eco-friendly oil sludge management. This achieves the goals of “reduction, resourcing and harmlessness“.  Read more details about Beston Group’s oil sludge pyrolysis solution!

Sources and Hazards of Oil Sludge

In various stages of oil exploration, production, storage and transportation, and refining, large quantities of oily sludge are produced each year. The oil sludge contains 5% to 50% petroleum and pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals. This makes it toxic and flammable. It significantly pollutes the air, soil, and water resources, posing severe threats to the ecological environment and human health. There exist considerable challenges to its disposal.

SourceCategoryWater Content (%)Oil Content (%)Solid Content (%)
Drilling OperationOil-based Cuttings8-1515-2560-80
Opeartional Sludge40-5010-2030-40
Landed Sludge5-255-1070-90
Crude Oil TransportationLanded Sludge5-255-1070-90
Tankbottom Sludge40-7020-405-40
Crude Oil RefiningGrease Trap Bottom Mud60-7010-1525-35
Floatation Pond Scum75-905-103-10
Activated Sludge75-85<510-20

What Regions Need Oil Sludge Disposal Solution?

For countries rich in petroleum resources, the petroleum industry typically serves as a cornerstone of domestic economies. However, extensive oil extraction inevitably results in large amounts of oil sludge that require treatment. Therefore, establishing projects for oil sludge management in leading oil-producing nations (like the United States, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, and Iraq) could be promising investments.

Global Biggest Oil Producers

Pyrolysis Vs. Other Oil Sludge Disposal Methods

Oil sludge disposal is complex due to its diverse components and numerous types, posing technical challenges. Currently, there are various oil sludge recycling techniques, each with advantages and disadvantages. Among these, oil sludge pyrolysis plant is considered a superior method due to its comprehensive benefits.

Technology/ProjectTreatment Technology and Crude Oil RecoverySecondary PollutantsTechnology MaturityFacility InvestmentEnergy ConsumptionSynthesis Score
Solvent ExtractionThorough oil recoverySolvent wettingComplex, not mature, highGeneralSuitable for deep oil recoveryoil-sludge-2.5-star
Thermal Chemical WashingIncomplete oil recoveryResidual contaminated oil mudSimple, matureLowGeneraloil-sludge-2.5-star
Biological MethodLong treatment cycle, poor treatment effect for cycloalkanes and aromaticsSecondary pollution riskComplex, not matureGeneralLowoil-sludge-1-star
IncinerationAll organic matter is treated, but crude oil cannot be recoveredSmall amount of ash, generation of toxic and harmful gasesComplexHighUnlimited scaleoil-sludge-1.5-star
Pyrolysis All opportunities can be treated, and crude oil can be effectively recoveredSmall amount of ashTechnically matureModerateModerateoil-sludge-4-star

2 Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Technical Solutions to Choose

Beston Group has developed 2 pyrolysis technical solutions to meet different oil sludge treatment requirements. Welcome contact us to consult oil sludge pyrolysis equipment.

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Common Pyrolysis

  • Conditions: High-temperature, low-oxygen pyrolysis
  • Applicable Materials: oil sludge with a high oil content
  • Benefits: Maximize oil recovery; achieve harmless disposal and volume reduction of oil sludge.

Catalytic Pyrolysis

  • Conditions: High-temperature, low-oxygen pyrolysis + Catalytic Tower + Catalyst
  • Applicable Materials: oil sludge with high wax content
  • Benefits: Prevent wax buildup in pipelines, reducing safety risks during production; facilitate the harmless disposal and reduction of waste.

2 Models of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant for Sale

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant - Batch Type

Batch Type

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant - Continuous Type

Continuous Type

Parameters of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Working ProcessBatchFully continuous
Reactor Sizeφ2800*7100mmφ1800*18500mm
Reactor MaterialQ345R310S stainless steel
Drive System500 reducer+7.5kw drive motorZQH650-50 reducer+15kw frequency conversion motor
Land (L*W*H)33m*13m*8m70m*20m*10m
Burner2*400,000 kcal2.5 million kcal per set
Total Weight of Shipped MaterialsAbout 34.5tAbout 150t
Number of Containers1*40FR+2*40HQ25m*8m bulk cargo+8*40HQ
Noise (dB)≤60≤60
Heating MaterialsFuel oil (including tyre/plastic pyrolysis oil), natural gas, LPG, diesel, etc.
Condensing System (Vertical Condenser)φ820*3600
Single piece condensing area
2 sets of vertical condenser

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Project – Customer Practices

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Process – Reduction & Resourcing & Harmless Disposal

01 Feeding

Input oil sludge into pyrolysis reactor. Select the appropriate transportation mode according to the liquid content of oil sludge.

  • below 40% – belt conveyor
  • between 40% – 60% – shaftless screw conveyors
  • above 75% – oil sludge pumps.

02 Pyrolysis

Pyrolysis reactor always maintains a low-oxygen and sealed environment. With the combustion chamber heating the reactor, the temperature rises. At 200-450℃, oil gas will come out. Due to the absence of air, the process effectively eliminates the generation of dioxins, and NOx, and produces almost no H2S or SO2.

03 Oil Gas Condensation

  • Heavy particles in the oil gas will be liquefied into heavy oil and then dropped into the heavy oil tank.
  • Light particles in the gas will rise and be liquefied into light oil in the vertical condenser and then also be reserved in the oil tank.
  • The combustible gas will be desulfurated and cleaned in hydroseal and then come into the combustor as fuel.

04 Slag Collection

In this process, oil sludge pyrolysis plant cool the solid slag produced from pyrolysis through water-cooling heat exchange and then automatically collects it.

05 Flue Gas Treatment

After thermal energy utilization, the flue gas will be cooled down first and then go through de-dusting (washing, water spray, ceramic ring adsorption, and activated carbon adsorption) to remove harmful substances. Finally, it is safely discharged in compliance with EU environmental and emission standards.

Treatment Results Analysis of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Machine

Related Test Reported of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis

01 Test Report of Pyrolized Oil Sludge

Test Process: Heating a 210g oil sludge sample to 242°C.

Test Result: 67.14% of the oil sludge is converted to heavy oil, 25.24% remains as oil sludge, and 7.62% is lost.


  • A 67.14% yield of heavy oil is an ideal pyrolysis outcome. The converted heavy oil has broad applications as fuel or raw material for other processes.
  • A 25.24% yield of sludge is within a reasonable range. Sludge is a more stable and less hazardous substance compared to oil sludge.
  • A 7.62% loss of oil sludge is acceptable. The loss may be due to the formation of volatile gases (e.g., combustible gas) and light hydrocarbons.
  • The pH value of the pyrolysis residue is between 8 and 9, slightly alkaline. This is an ideal result, indicating that the residue is not hazardous.

Conclusion: Oil sludge pyrolysis plant helps produce heavy oil and stabilize oil sludge.

02 Test Report of Residues from Oil Sludge Pyrolysis

Different countries have different standards for the disposal of oil sludge pyrolysis residues. Moreover, oil sludge pyrolysis residues used in different industries’ landfill disposal (e.g. agricultural land, building land) can also make standards different. Therefore, this report is for simple reference only.

Test Analysis:

  • Residual oil ratio: The petroleum hydrocarbon content in the final residue after oil sludge pyrolysis is 293 mg/kg. This is within the national standard range. For instance, the United States allows petroleum hydrocarbon limits in different scenarios to range from 4,000 to 20,000 mg/kg.
  • Heavy Metal Content: The heavy metal content in the final residue meets or is below the national standards for corresponding elements.

Conclusion: Oil sludge pyrolysis equipment recovers oil and reduces heavy metal content. It is an effective harmless and resource-recycling solution.

Profit Source Analysis of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Charging for Hazardous Oil Sludge Disposal

Charging for Hazardous Waste Disposal

Disposal fees depend on waste volume, type, and local environmental regulations. For example, a waste management company in Nigeria charges $200 per ton for processing oil sludge with pyrolysis technology. In the long term, this can fully cover the oil sludge pyrolysis plant cost.

Subsidies for Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Disposal

Subsidies from Petroleum Departments

Due to the high hazard and severe pollution caused by oil sludge, petroleum departments typically provide economic subsidies for pyrolysis treatment of oil sludge. The amount of subsidy depends on local policies.

Profit from Regenerated Oil

Profit from Regenerated Oil

Fuel sales units or refineries may have interest in the fuel oil produced from pyrolysis of oil sludge. This can generate significant economic benefits.

Profit from Sand Sales

Profit from Sand Sales

The sand produced from oil sludge pyrolysis machine can be used in landfills, sold to brick factories for brick production, or sold to oil companies as an anti-collapse agent for oil wells.

Technical Advantages of Beston Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant for Sale

Continuous Operation Technology

  • Design continuous pyrolysis feeding and discharging system.
  • Utilize PLC control to promptly adjust operational deviation.
  • Integrate IOT for real-time monitoring and feedback.

Triple Anti-coking Technology

  • Reuse hot flue gas to reduce the temperature difference inside and outside the reactor to prevent coking.
  • Adopt catalysts to prevent materials from coking.
  • Use mesh belt friction to achieve physical de-coking.

Nitrogen Replacement Technology

  • Introduce nitrogen with a purity of over 95% to displace the air before ignition and slag discharge.
  • Maintain a low-oxygen environment in the reactor to prevent flash explosions.
  • Ensure safe and stable operation of the oil sludge pyrolysis plant.

Precise Temperature Control Technology

  • Utilize a high-temperature induced draft fan to channel 400-450°C waste gases from the reactor into burner, where they are mixed uniformly with 1000-1300°C hot air provided by burner.
  • Achieve precise temperature control in the reactor by employing precise airflow ratios.
  • Achieve residual heat recycling, saving 20-30% of energy consumption.

Economic Feasibility Report of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis

Economic Feasibility of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Disposal

Market Data

  • Global oil consumption exceeds 90 million barrels per day.
  • Annual oil sludge production exceeds 10 million tons.
  • 5 million hectares of soil are contaminated by oil.
  • Over 1 billion tons of oil sludge have accumulated, with 70% remaining untreated.

Competitive Landscape

  • The number of companies in the oil sludge treatment sector is increasing, but the market remains fragmented.
  • M&A activity in the oil sludge pyrolysis plant market is low.
  • Overall competition is low, leaving ample growth potential in the oil sludge disposal industry.

Favorable Factors

  • Rising Oil Production Activities: The increase in global energy demand has led to a rise in oil processing volumes, which in turn has increased the production of oily sludge. This increases the demand for better disposal methods.
  • Resource Utilization Consideration: The petroleum components in oily sludge have high value and can be appropriately processed and separated for extraction, achieving resource recycling.
  • Policies and Regulations: Governments worldwide have strict requirements for oil sludge disposal and have enacted subsidy policies to encourage its disposal. This promotes the research, development, and application of oily sludge recycling/treatment technologies.
  • Technological Advance: Advancements in oil sludge recycling/treatment technologies (automation and integration, etc) and the development of innovative processing equipment (like thermal desorption unit) have improved efficiency and productivity in the treatment process. This trend is also driving market growth.

Investment Recommendations

Investors should conduct in-depth market research and focus on technological advancements and market entry conditions.  They are advised to consider long-term investments to participate in the development of the oil sludge recycling/treatment industry.

2 Leading Ecological Benefits of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant Remediate Soil Contamination

Soil Contamination Remediation

Oil sludge pyrolysis plant helps remove harmful oil-based substances from contaminated soil. The high temperatures during the pyrolysis process can break down hazardous components in the oil sludge, such as heavy metals and volatile organic compounds, thereby reducing their persistent pollution in the soil. This contributes to the remediation of contaminated soil.

Mitigate Water Pollution

Oil sludge contains large amounts of oil and toxic substances, and direct discharge can lead to water pollution. Oil sludge pyrolysis effectively treats the sludge, reducing the risk of water contamination at the source and protecting the quality of groundwater and surface water.

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Machine Mitigate Water Pollution

Beston Group: Your Premier Partner for Oil Sludge Pyrolysis

Beston Group stands out as the top choice for companies seeking oil sludge recycling/treatment solutions. Our oil sludge pyrolysis plant effectively reduces pollution from oil sludge, achieving the goals of “reduction, resource recovery, and harmless treatment”. Given the environmental and market value, this holds a promising future. So far, Beston Group is one of the minorities that uses pyrolysis technology maturely and safely in the waste recycling industry. If this has aroused your interest, please leave messages on our website or social media (Facebook/LinkedIn/YouTube/Pinterest) now.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)


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