2 Sets of BLJ-6 Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Plants Installed in Hungary

2 sets of Beston BLJ-6 small scale waste plastic pyrolysis plants were installed in Hungary in 2017, which were used for recycling waste plastics into fuel oil and carbon black. It is an environmental-friendly and profitable project in Hungary.

2 Sets of BLJ-6 Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Plants Installed in Hungary
2 Sets of BLJ-6 Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Plants Installed in Hungary

Project Details of BLJ-6 Plastic Pyrolysis Plants in Hungary

  • Location: Hungary;
  • Brand: Beston;
  • Year of installation: 2017;
  • Model: BLJ-6;
  • Daily capacity: 6t;
  • Working method: batch;
  • Acceptable raw materials: except for PVC and PET, almost all the other kinds of plastics can be recycled by the plastic pyrolysis plants, including PP, PE, PS, ABS, etc.;
  • Find products to get: fuel oil and carbon black;
  • Main parts of the pyrolysis system: pyrolysis reactors, condenser, dust removal system, cooling system, etc.
Plastic Pyrolysis Reactor
Plastic Pyrolysis Reactor
Oil Passage Condenser
Oil Passage Condenser
Flue condenser
Flue Condenser

Feedback From Hungarian Customer

Our customer in Hungary was quite satisfied with Beston pyrolysis plant. He said: “Beston is a trustworthy company, just like my friend. I put forward my needs, and they will meet me one by one. The whole cooperation process was simple and their after-sales service also left a very good impression on me. Thanks very much!

We are very thankful to our customers for choosing Beston, and give us an opportunity to serve them. We will try our best to satisfy our customers, from the beginning to the end: timely reply, customize plan, perfect service, production and delivery on schedule, responsible installation, regular return visits, etc.

Beston Batch Pyrolysis Plant Installed in Hungary
Beston Batch Pyrolysis Plants Installed in Hungary

Here is the case of Beston waste plastic pyrolysis oil plants installed in Hungary. We are installing more and more Beston pyrolysis equipment all over the world, to Let “Beston” brand go to the world. We are committed to making all projects as benchmark projects, to live our slogan “Recycling for better life”.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)


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