BST-10 Palm Kernel Shell Charcoal Making Machine Shipped to Indonesia

Good news! Beston BST-10 palm kernel shell charcoal making machine was shipped to Indonesia in March 2022. The customer has bought the carbonization machine for recycling palm shell into BBQ charcoal. He was satisfied with Beston’s product and service.

BST-10 Palm Kernel Shell Charcoal Making Machine Shipped to Indonesia in March 2022
BST-10 Palm Kernel Shell Charcoal Making Machine Shipped to Indonesia
Palm Kernel Shell Charcoal Machine Shipped to Indonesia

Basic Information on Beston Palm Kernel Shell Charcoal Machine to Indonesia

  • Place of shipment: China;
  • Place of receipt: Indonesia;
  • Date: 2022.3.12;
  • Model: BST-10;
  • Capacity: 0.8-1t/h;
  • Raw material: pale kernel shell, palm silk;
  • Working method: batch;

The customer from Indonesia has bought one set of standard BST-10 charcoal making machine from Beston Group, to convert palm kernel shell into charcoal, wood vinegar, tar and combustible gas. All the final products are valuable in the Indonesian market and can be sold directly. So starting a charcoal making business in Indonesia in profitable and environmental-friendly. The customer is quite satisfied with Beston.

Batch Palm Kernel Shell Charcoal Machine Shipped to Indonesia
Beston Batch Palm Kernel Shell Charcoal Making Machine Shipped to Indonesia
Beston Batch Palm Kernel Shell Charcoal Machine Shipped to Indonesia

Customer Reviews

“I bought the small palm kernel shell charcoal machine from Beston. Fredo Wang has helped me from the beginning to the end and gave me the most suitable solution. Extremely grateful for all that Beston has worked for me. I am looking forward to cooperation with you next time. Thanks again!”

Shipment of Palm Kernel Shell Charcoal Making Machine to Indonesia

The small biochar making machine for processing palm shell was shipped from Qingdao port on March 12, 2022. The customer in Indonesia will receive the goods at the end of March. Due to the severe epidemic situation now, we will provide customers with online installation support. We will help guide the installation online until the machine can be put into production. We will update the status later. If you want to deal with the disposed palm shell or other biomass materials, please consider buying one set of charcoal making machine.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)


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