Beston Pyrolysis Plants Are Being Installed in Netherlands

Recently, we have received the feedback from Dutch customers for the pyrolysis plants’ site installation pictures. Four sets of Beston BLL-16 pyrolysis plants are being installed in Netherlands, and everything is going well. Please go on reading to learn about the status of the project.

Beston Pyrolysis Plants Are Being Installed in Netherlands
Beston Pyrolysis Plants Are Being Installed in Netherlands

Introduction of Beston BLL-16 Pyrolysis Plants in Netherlands

Location: Netherlands;

Project includes: 4 sets of BLL-16 pyrolysis plants and 1 set of BZJ-10 distillation plant;

Shipment: May 2022, see the shipping news here;

Status of project: being installed as planned.

Beston Pyrolysis Plants Installed in Netherlands
Beston BLL-16 Pyrolysis Plants Installed in Netherlands
BLL-16 Pyrolysis Plants Installed in Netherlands

Why Dutch Customers Start the Project

The customers in Netherlands have decided to start the project due to the two reasons: the one is because they want to recycle waste plastics into useful resources; the other one is that they want to use the pyrolysis oil in ships. Our solution manager has customized the solutions according to the actual situation of the customers. All the customers are satisfied with the solution and believe that the situation can solve their problem perfectly as well as earn money. The whole project is waste plastic to non-standard diesel project (turning waste plastic into fuel oil by pyrolysis plant, and then to diesel by distillation plant).

Beston BLL-16 Pyrolysis Plants in Netherlands

Besides using the pyrolysis plant for recycling waste plastics, generating pyrolysis oil for ships, the pyrolysis plant can be also used for end-of-life tires derived as fuel, oil sludge treatment or generating fuel oil that can be used as alternative fuel for industrial plants, including cement plant, boiler plant, glass plant, ceramic factory, etc. If you have the requirement on the project, please contact us right now!

Beston Pyrolysis Plants in Netherlands
Beston Group Pyrolysis Plants in Netherlands
Beston Plastic Pyrolysis Plants in Netherlands

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)


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