BST-20 Bamboo Charcoal Making Machine Installed in India

Recently, we received the latest photos and videos from the customer’s site in India. The project is BST-20 bamboo charcoal making machine installed in India.

BST-20 Bamboo Charcoal Making Machine Installed in India
BST-20 Bamboo Charcoal Making Machine Installed in India

Layout of Beston Bamboo Charcoal Making Machine in India

The bamboo charcoal machine designed by Beston Group consists of these parts: carbonization furnace, burner, dust collector, dryer, cooling system, electric control cabinet, etc. All the components of the charcoal machine are equipped with these features: high quality and efficiency, latest technology as well as easy installation and operation.

Layout of Beston Bamboo Charcoal Making Machine in India

BST-20 Bamboo Charcoal Production Machine Running in India
BST-20 Bamboo Charcoal Production Machine in India
BST-20 Bamboo Charcoal Machine in India
Bamboo Charcoal Machine in India

Video of BST-20 Bamboo Charcoal Production Machine Running in India

The video shows the complete scene of Beston bamboo charcoal making machine running in India. The BST-20 biochar production equipment can 2t bamboo per hour. The bamboo can be recycled into charcoal, wood vinegar, tar and combustible gas. All the products are useful materials, which can be sold directly or recycled and applied in many industries.

The bamboo charcoal making machine in India has been installed successfully under the guidance online. The next step is testing the whole charcoal production process. We will update the news later. If you want to know more about the machine or you want to process bamboo, please click bamboo charcoal making machine for sale to get more details.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

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