BST-05pro Mobile Biochar Making Machine Shipped to India

Shipping news of mobile biochar machine is coming! Beston new-designed BST-05pro mobile biochar making machine was shipped to India in December, 2022. According to the feedback from solution managers, more and more customers are considering buying mobile biochar units to start their business. Here is the latest case for your reference.

BST-05pro Mobile Biochar Making Machine Shipped to India
BST-05pro Mobile Biochar Making Machine Shipped to India

BST-05pro Mobile Biochar Making Machine to India

  • Location: India;
  • Date of shipment: December 21st, 2022 (sail);
  • Estimated arrival time: January 10th, 2023;
  • Model and capacity: BST-05pro with standard configuration, 150-200kg/h/set;
  • Raw material to process: groundnut shell, cotton stalk, juliflora chips (moisture<15%, size<2cm);
  • Required final product: charcoal, to be used as fuel.
BST-05pro Mobile Biochar Making Machine to India
Mobile Biochar Making Machine to India

Shipment of BST-05pro Mobile Biochar Unit to India

  • Cooperation process: in the cooperation process with Indian customer, the customer paid a lot attention to project testing, to confirm the feasibility of carbonization technology. Through many video conferences and project tests as well as engineer’s participation in solution, the customer was quite satisfied with Beston’s service, technology, solution and products, and finally chose us.
  • Customer’s feedback: after having tested the mobile biochar making machine, we have received the Indian customer’s feedback listed as below.

Indian customer’s feedback

The customer in India has bought four sets of mobile biochar units totally in 2022. We have finished the first shipment, and the project will be installed under online installation guidance. Both of us are looking forward to installing the plants in India. Besides this project, Beston Group has exported and installed several biochar making machines in India and many other countries, and you can go the the charcoal making machine cases to learn more.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)


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