BTF4-4 Egg Tray Machine With Metal Dryer Delivered to Norway

Good shipping news! At the end of November, 2021, Beston BTF4-4 egg tray making machine with metal dryer was delivered to Norway, which is a new market for Beston Group. We are determined to make it a benchmark project, so as so step the Norwegian market deep, attract and serve more customers.

BTF4-4 Egg Tray Machine With Metal Dryer Delivered to Norway
BTF4-4 Egg Tray Machine With Metal Dryer Delivered to Norway

Description on BTF4-4 Egg Tray Machine to Norway

  • Location: Norway;
  • Shipping date: 2021.11.28;
  • Model: BTF4-4;
  • Capacity: 1800-2500pieces/h;
  • Forming mould quantity: 16;
  • Material consumption: Paper (170kg/h):Water(510kg/h);
  • Total power: 85kw;
  • Voltage: 380v,50hz (Can be customized according to the customer’s national voltage);
  • Labor force: 4-6;
  • Plant area: more than 1000 square meters;
  • Egg tray drying method: metal egg tray dryer; (L≥30m;W≥15m;H≥5m);
  • Fuel consumption: Coal: 104kg; Natural gas: 46-56m3; Diesel: 38-48kg;
  • Shipping list: pulping system, molding system, metal egg tray drying system, hot press machine, packaging system and other accessories. The detailed list can be found on the page “components of pulp molding machine”.
Molding Machine
Molding Machine
Metal Dryer
Metal Dryer
Metal Trays
Metal Trays
Hot Press Machine
Hot Press Machine
Spare Parts
Spare Parts

We have also sent the shipping pictures and videos to our customer in Norway. Our customer is quite satisfied with the products and service. He said: “I am so excited now! Thanks for all that Beston has done for me. I am looking forward to receiving my machine.” Both our customer and us are looking forward to installing China egg tray machine in Norway. We will also update the news later.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)


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