Making paper pulped egg trays from waste paper boxes, waste books, waste newspapers, waste paper boxes, book scraps, etc.

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Egg Tray Machine in Pakistan

Egg tray making machine in Pakistan has become more and more popular, and has become an ideal investment for businessmen. In Pakistan, eggs are necessities in the daily life, so egg trays are important and indispensable. Choosing egg tray plant for sale in Pakistan is a profitable and long-term business.

Egg Tray Making Machine in Pakistan
Egg Tray Making Machine in Pakistan – Successful Case

Beston Egg Tray Making Machine in Pakistan

Beston Group had exported BTF4-8 egg tray making machine to Pakistan last year, which can produce 4000-5000 pieces egg trays in one hour. The machine has received unanimous praise from our customers. Here is the feedback from customers in Pakistan:

Egg Tray Machine Price in Pakistan

Beston egg tray making machine price in Pakistan starts from USD 99200. (Note: the price is just an estimated value. The detailed cost is depended on the machine you required.)

Under the environment of a market-oriented economy, there is another important factor that affects the popularity of Beston egg tray plant in Pakistan. It is the price of egg tray machine. Our egg tray machine price is always affordable and reasonable. Now matter in Pakistan, or in any other market of the other countries and places, our prices are as competitive as the quality of our machines. That is the reason why more and more egg tray manufacturers choose our products. If you also want to get the egg tray making machine cost analysis, you can leave your message and we will provide you with very specific business plan.

egg tray making machine for sale in Pakistan
Egg Tray Making Machine for Sale in Pakistan

Economic Profit Analysis of Pulp Molding Machine in Pakistan

Remarks: The cost and profit analysis is according to the situation of China for reference. Different Clients need to analyze cost and profit according to your local situation.

Taking BTF5-8 as an example, the detailed benefit analysis is as follow:

Return on Investment of BTF5-8 Egg Tray Production Project
IntructionAccording to the market data of European market, the estimated ROI report, the varous expenses are as follows:
Fixed Investment CostItemDetailsUnitUnit Price/USDQuantityAmount/USDTotal AmountRemark
EquipmentBTF5-8Set150, 500.001.00 150, 500.00
TransportationFrom China to Destination PortSet44, 000.001.00 44, 000.00
From Port to SiteSet1, 600.001.00 1, 600.00
Custom Tax15%Set29, 175.001.00 29175.00
InstallationBeston Technican's SalaryDay350.00 15.00 5, 250.00
Round-trip Air TicketsEa2, 500.002.00 5, 000.00
VisaEa350.00 1.00 350.00
Local WelderDay120.00 40.00 4, 800.00
Local PlumberDay120.00 40.00 4, 800.00
Local LaborDay108.00 60.00 6, 480.00
Crane ForkliftDay160.00 10.00 1, 600.00
MaterialsInstallation materials readySet2, 000.001.00 2, 000.00Foundation, pipe, etc.
License/Ea0.00 1.00 0.00 Environmental, firefighting, etc.
Workshop1000.00 380.00 1000.00 38, 0000.00Rent in rural area
US$: 635,555.00
Opretating CostRaw MaterialsWaste PaperTon0.00 9.560.00 22.5 hours per day working
FuelNatural Gas0.371485.00 549.45
Labor/People108.00 4.00 432.00
Maintenance/Day5.00 1.00 5.00
Depreciation8 YearsDay264.811.00 264.81
US$: 1, 469.53
End Product PriceEgg Trays5000 pieces per hourPieces0.05 112, 50.005, 625.00
Subcidy/Ton0.00 0.00 0.00
US$: 5, 625.00
Daily IncomeUS$: 4, 155.47
Monthly IncomeWorking DayDay25.00 US$: 103, 886.83
Yearly IncomeWorking DayDay300.00 US$: 1, 246, 642.01
Besides, the egg tray machine for sale can be also used for making other pulp moulding products, including egg carton, fruit tray, egg box, apple tray, etc. It is a machine with multiple uses, which can save more cost and create higher profits for you.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)


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