BLJ-3 Skid-mounted Pyrolysis Plant Running Well in Bangladesh

Recently, Beston Group has received the feedback from Bangladesh customers. Beston BLJ-3 skid-mounted pyrolysis plant is running well in Bangladesh. The following is a simple introduction of the project. Continue reading.

BLJ-3 Skid-mounted Pyrolysis Plant Running Well in Bangladesh
BLJ-3 Skid-mounted Pyrolysis Plant Running Well in Bangladesh

Information of Beston Skid-mounted Pyrolysis Plant in Bangladesh

  • Location: Bangladesh;
  • Shipping date: December 2021;
  • Shipping news: shipment of BLJ-3 mobile pyrolysis plant to Bangladesh;
  • Model and capacity: BLJ-3 (0.5t/d);
  • Raw materials to process: PP, PE, etc.;
  • Current situation: running well;
  • Required final product: plastic pyrolysis oil used as fuel for heating boiler plant (as shown in the pictures below).
Raw Material – Plastic Waste
Final Product - Plastic Oil
Final Product – Plastic Oil
Plastic Pyrolysis Oil
Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Running Site of Beston Mobile Pyrolysis Plant in Bangladesh

The skid-mounted pyrolysis plant designed by Beston Group is a kind of pyrolysis plant mounted on skids. Almost 90% installation of the plant has been finished in factory. So when the plant arrived in Bangladesh, it has been installed quickly. After debugging and testing, the mobile pyrolysis unit starts to convert plastic waste to oil successfully. All the installation and training works have been done under the online guidance by Beston.

Please watch the video to learn about the running site of the project.

According to customer’s feedback, he was satisfied with the quality of generated plastic oil. He will use the oil in his own boiler plant, to solve the fuel problem. In this way, it has not only solved the plastic pollution problem, but also turned waste into treasure, and finally saved energy. Besides, the plastic pyrolysis oil can be also used as fuel in other industrial plants, including glass factory, cement plant, brick plant, ceramic plant, power plant, etc. If you have any question on the plant, please contact us right now!

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)


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