Have a look at the egg tray making machine videos with different dryers.

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Egg Tray Machine Video

Beston Egg Tray Making Machine Video


Dear friends, I’m Fredo wang, we are at Beston site for egg tray production.

  • What we are seeing here is the raw materials for the egg tray plant. Please follow me to see the process.
  • Over here is the additive input, not every country will require for this, i will show you will it’s being added later.
  • The process begins here. This is the hydro-pulper. We put waste paper and water together here to form a rough pulp. After this the pulp goes underground to a mixing pool, from where the pulp further process to be more uniform and even. The ratio of the pulp is 3 water to 1 paper.
  • Ok, let’s now move to the production area. Watch your steps. Come on in.
  • On the right side there’s another mixing pond before it’s being transported to be final pulp supply pond. From here the pulp will be supplied to the forming machine. And you can see the additive is being added here.
  • The vacuum system is sucking the water from the process and create a circulation.
  • Look at the electric parts, after 7 years of operation it’s still working well.
  • The production of this machine is 6000-7000 pcs/h, it runs 24 hours a day, 350 days a year, a turely money making machine.

Egg Tray Drying Systems Video

Metal Dryer Machine

For the metal drying system:

  • Dear friends, this is a complete structure of a BTF 5-8 metal drying eggtray machine. It is about to be shipped.
  • Follow me let’s take a look of the inner layout of the metal dryer.
  • Let’s go inside
  • Although it’s still empty, we can see the upper and lower sieve plate is already positioned. Later the trays will be running in between.
  • The metal dryer we have is with 6 layers. You can see the rails from here.
  • All the surface is made out of stainless steel. The wall is using a double layer design, in between is heat resistant wool.

Videos of Beston Egg Tray Machine Cases

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    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

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