An Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Recycling Project Receives Positive Feedback from Customers

We are delighted to share the positive feedback received from customers regarding oil sludge pyrolysis recycling project. The project has successfully achieved the reduction and harmless treatment of oil sludge, showcasing our commitment to delivering effective waste management solutions. Please explore more project details below!

Project Overview

Project Requirement

The project aimed to achieve the reduction and harmless treatment of oil sludge, ensuring environmental compliance and effective waste management.

Project Status

Until the end of March 2024, all project phases of the 12-16 T/D capacity BLJ-16 oil sludge pyrolysis plant, including production, shipment, installation, and field trial operation, have been completed successfully.

Customer Positive Feedback of BLJ-16 Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Project

The customers initially felt discouraged at the start of the project, unsure of how to proceed. However, with our professional solutions and technical support, now they have confidence in the oil sludge treatment project. Currently, the BLJ-16 machine has been officially put into operation, and everything is progressing smoothly. The customers also plan to collaborate with us in the future to launch a larger thermal desorption unit (TDU) project for oil sludge treatment. We are deeply grateful for the customers’ positive feedback and look forward to continued cooperation.

Customer Positive Feedback of BLJ-16 Oil Sludege Pyrolysis Project

Positive Feedback of BLJ-16 Thermal Desorption Unit Project

Welcome to Collaborate Us

As we continue to receive positive feedback and testimonials from satisfied customers, we are encouraged to further innovate and enhance our oil sludge pyrolysis recycling solutions. We are committed to providing customized solutions for oil sludge treatment. We welcome to collaborate with customers who share our vision for a cleaner and more sustainable future.


    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)


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